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Amsterdam, Classroom-based, Stuck Pipe Prevention

June 12 - June 13

Course Overview

Throughout the course, Merlin’s expertise will ensure that you understand your role in reducing the risk of a stuck pipe event. By the end of the course, you will have a sound understanding of what is happening downhole during the drilling of ERD, high angle and complex wells when the stuck pipe risk is increasing, and how to respond decisively.

Case Studies:

The 2-day course includes stuck pipe case studies related to tripping drilling assemblies, running liners and casing.

Stuck pipe mechanisms and related risk factors:

  • Mobile solid induced pack-off / bridge
  • Differential sticking
  • Wellbore geometry
  • General tool selection considerations

Example Schedule

  • Wed: 8am – 16.30pm
  • Thu: 8am – 16.30pm

*Daily sessions are typically 8.5 hours including 3 short breaks and 1 hour for lunch.

Who Should Attend?

  • All Drilling professionals involved with high angle wells
  • Drilling Managers, Superintendents & Engineers
  • Drilling Supervisors, Drillers, Tool Pushers, AD & Derrickmen
  • Directional Drillers, MWD, Mud Engineers & Mud Loggers

Course Schedule

Welcome participants, introductions, overview of course content and learning objectives.

Stuck Pipe Intro
Overview of stuck pipe avoidance, covering the scale of the problem in the industry, the consequences, and most common causes.

Stuck Pipe Risk Exercise
Well examples with different stuck pipe risk exposure profiles, illustrating the challenge of identifying and mitigating the risks.

Mobile Solids Induced Pack-off / Bridge
Description, risk factors, and risk reduction options related to stuck pipe caused by cuttings, wellbore instability, barite sag, junk, and other debris occasionally found downhole.

Wellbore Instability Exercise
Group exercise to perform an analysis of a stuck pipe event caused by borehole instability.

Borehole / Formation Interaction
A thorough description of differential sticking and other formation interaction-driven stuck pipe mechanisms, covering risk factors and risk reduction options.

Differential Sticking Exercise
Group exercise to perform an analysis of a stuck pipe event caused by differential sticking.

Day 1 Recap
Review day, time for questions not answered during presentations.

Review Day 1
Review learnings from the previous day.

Wellbore Geometry
Description, risk factors, and mitigation options for stuck pipe mechanisms including borehole patterns, undergauge hole, key seating, collapsed casing, and other mechanisms.

Wellbore Geometry Exercise
Group exercise to identify the root cause of a geometry-related stuck pipe event.

Best Practices for Stuck Pipe Avoidance
Considerations for avoiding stuck pipe related to hole cleaning, tripping, backreaming, vibration control, wellbore stability, and differential sticking.

Stuck Pipe Avoidance Exercise
Group exercise to apply lessons learned to reduce stuck pipe risk.

Steps to reduce the impact of a stuck pipe event, including diagnosing the event, first steps to getting free, and fishing options.

Mitigation Exercise
Group exercise to apply lessons learned related to stuck pipe mitigation.

Recap, Post-course Assessment & Closing Remarks
Final review of course content and post-course assessment.


Welcome participants, introductions, overview of course content and learning objectives.

Stuck Pipe Intro
Overview of stuck pipe avoidance, covering the scale of the problem in the industry, the consequences, and most common causes.

Stuck Pipe Risk Exercise
Well examples with different stuck pipe risk exposure profiles, illustrating the challenge of identifying and mitigating the risks.

Mobile Solids Induced Pack-off / Bridge
Description, risk factors, and risk reduction options related to stuck pipe caused by cuttings, wellbore instability, barite sag, junk, and other debris occasionally found downhole.

Wellbore Instability Exercise
Group exercise to perform an analysis of a stuck pipe event caused by borehole instability.

Borehole / Formation Interaction
A thorough description of differential sticking and other formation interaction-driven stuck pipe mechanisms, covering risk factors and risk reduction options.

Differential Sticking Exercise
Group exercise to perform an analysis of a stuck pipe event caused by differential sticking.

Day 1 Recap
Review day, time for questions not answered during presentations.


Review Day 1
Review learnings from the previous day.

Wellbore Geometry
Description, risk factors, and mitigation options for stuck pipe mechanisms including borehole patterns, undergauge hole, key seating, collapsed casing, and other mechanisms.

Wellbore Geometry Exercise
Group exercise to identify the root cause of a geometry-related stuck pipe event.

Best Practices for Stuck Pipe Avoidance
Considerations for avoiding stuck pipe related to hole cleaning, tripping, backreaming, vibration control, wellbore stability, and differential sticking.

Stuck Pipe Avoidance Exercise
Group exercise to apply lessons learned to reduce stuck pipe risk.

Steps to reduce the impact of a stuck pipe event, including diagnosing the event, first steps to getting free, and fishing options.

Mitigation Exercise
Group exercise to apply lessons learned related to stuck pipe mitigation.

Recap, Post-course Assessment & Closing Remarks
Final review of course content and post-course assessment.


June 12
June 13
Event Categories:
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Miles Long
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