Operations Services

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Rigsite Hole Condition Monitoring

Merlin’s hole condition monitoring services revolve around supporting drilling operations at the rigsite. Not only is Merlin able to help its clients proactively manage their drilling performance during high angle hole section, we also provide early warning of problems based on deviations from expected trends. Merlin’s independent specialists develop and interpret torque, drag, ECD, swab and surge models with the aim to reduce drilling risk and improve reliability of execution across drilling, tripping and pipe running operations.

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Remote Operational Support

If getting to the rig is not feasible, Merlin’s hole condition monitoring service can be undertaken remotely. With access to your realtime data stream, Merlin’s specialists proactively monitor and manage drilling performance and provide early warning of problems developing down hole. Merlin’s know-how and experience allows the business to differentiate itself from the other remote services because we think like you do: Merlin’s independence means we are focussed on making sure that we are doing what’s best for the well, regardless of the colour of the equipment we are working with.

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Crew Coaching

Stacked rigs and green crews add risk to complex well projects. Merlin’s ERD specialists are highly experienced, often with time spent as a Drilling Engineer, Drilling Supervisor or other skillset such as a Directional Driller on their resume. They understand the fundamentals of high angle drilling as well as the soft-skills required to explain what’s happening downhole and why we are planning to do something in a specific way. These skills can be used to coach and mentor rig teams who are beginning their performance journey, to ensure that the right decisions are made at the right time.

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Practices And Procedures

On location, Merlin’s ERD specialists make sure that the drilling procedures being used are objective and consistent with international best practice. Previous incidents have shown that objective instructions are the best way to guarantee a consistent output - minimizing risk through the avoidance of misinterpretation of commonly occurring activities (e.g. starting and stopping pumps for example). Merlin’s experience guarantees that that you will be using tried and tested techniques, designed for success on the world’s longest wells.

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Drilling Optimisation

It’s not just about avoiding the train-wrecks. Many operators have proceduralised performance management systems which are used to great effect to identify and design out whatever is limiting them from drilling faster, cleaning up more efficiently, or running and cementing pipe more effectively. Merlin has developed its own drilling optimization methodology which is now being deployed successfully on locations world-wide, allowing clients to drill further, faster, more efficiently. They understand the fundamentals of high angle drilling as well as the soft-skills required to explain what’s happening downhole and why we are planning to do something in a specific way. These skills can be used to coach and mentor rig teams who are beginning their performance journey, to ensure that the right decisions are made at the right time.

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Related Case Studies

Consecutive BHA failures caused by bit and underreamer interaction

Merlin performed an independent review of two incidents that occurred while drilling a recent ERD well. The objective of the investigation was to identify the root cause of the failures and to propose engineered solutions to prevent similar failures occurring in future runs.

9-5/8″ Floated Casing Installation

This case study explains how we helped a client address a casing installation challenge by combining engineering and operations support with our TDH software.

Problem Formation Overcome With ERD Operational Practices

This case study looks at a multi-well development project from six fixed offshore installations with sub-sea satellite tie-back wells. Challenging high angle hole sections in large hole sizes through unstable shales and depleted zones prone to losses. Drilling performance suffering from multiple lost Bottom Hole Assemblies (BHAs) and significant Non-Productive Time (NPT).

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Merlin Tools

AV Calculator
Annular Velocity (AV) is one of the “Three Pillars” of effective hole cleaning in high-angle wellbores, with the other two being pipe rotation and the low-end rheology of the drilling fluid.
Stuck Pipe Tool
Description about stuck pipe tool goes here.

ERD  Quiz

Test your knowledge on drilling extended reach, high angle and complex wells.

More ERD Services


Better trained people make better decisions. It is really that simple. If the plan is pushing the team out of their comfort zone, time in the classroom learning about the fundamentals and talking through critical success factors will improve reliability of well delivery.


Challenging projects need rock-solid definition and a deep understanding of risk to ensure that engineers create solutions which preserve or enhance value. Merlin’s team of creative problem-solvers are on-hand to support your requirements in each of our core service areas.


We developed TDH to leverage our industry-leading process knowledge honed on the worlds most complex wells. What was available commercially didn’t cut it for us, in the way we need to use data when on location or in the office.