

Challenging projects need rock-solid definition and a deep understanding of risk to ensure that engineers create solutions which preserve or enhance value. Merlin’s team of creative problem-solvers are on-hand to support your requirements in each of our core service areas.

Training Courses

Better trained people make better decisions. It is really that simple. If the plan is pushing the team out of their comfort zone, time in the classroom learning about the fundamentals and talking through critical success factors will improve reliability of well delivery.


Execution is make-or-break time. Effort and energy expended during planning needs to be harnessed and directed to assure operational success. Merlin can support your field operations with people that have real expertise and experience, and have the know-how and energy to drive success within your team.


Independent delivery assurance and support for extended reach and challenging high angle wells – from upfront engineering, training, through to execution in the field, Merlin ensures project value is delivered and objectives are met.


Tight operating margins or abnormal reservoirs create complex wells. Merlin’s MPD service is designed to allow operators to understand the options available and how these techniques will create benefit through the design and execution stages of their well delivery process.


Surface limits are easy to define based on equipment specifications. Below ground, our working envelop
is defined by pressure and stress gradients – requiring a different approach. Merlin’s Geomechanics
capability allows operators to quantify their wellbore stability envelope, avoiding risk and improving reliability of drilling outcomes.


Merlin’s Drilling Engineers are problem solvers. From deep-water exploration into tectonically unstable zones, to wells in complex geomechanical environments, Merlin has seen and helped solve problems believed to be intractable, and engineered wells previously thought undrillable.

We would love to support you on your next project

Torque, Drag and Hydraulics Software

Merlin have designed TDH to be as quick and simple to learn as possible yet offering advanced features
for those that need them. If you do not run torque, drag and hydraulics models every day, the last thing you
need to do is relearn the software each time you use it.

TDH Software Subscription

Simple. Quick. Functional. Tried and tested drilling engineering software validated on the world’s most complex wells.

TDH Bespoke Development

With our in-house software development competency, Merlin can adapt or modify TDH for you.