What does it do?

Stuck pipe is one of the most common and costly causes of drilling non-productive time. When this occurs, selecting and implementing the most appropriate first action – and subsequent solution – often relies on the timely and accurate identification of the sticking mechanism at play, along with a thorough understanding of the mechanism and its causes. However, the exact mechanism may not be clear or obvious. By answering just a few questions on the situation before and after sticking, the Merlin Stuck Pipe Calculation diagnostic tool can help identify the most likely sticking mechanism and propose the most appropriate solution.

Diagnose Your Stuck Pipe Mechanism

"*" señala los campos obligatorios

Paso 1 de 2 - What was the situation immediately before sticking first occurred?

Axial pipe movement*
Pipe rotation*

How Does It Work?

Step 1

Make your selections based on your situation prior to sticking and after sticking down hole.

Step 2

The stuck pipe tool will then add up the scores to create a likelihood for differential, wellbore geometry and pack-off / bridge being the reason for sticking.

Step 3

The stuck pipe tool will give you a percentage for the likelihood of each mechanism.