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Revisión de Pozos Correlación

Geothermal drilling means different things to different people. Regardless of whether you are drilling Granite for steam or Coal seams for warm water, understanding the challenges which have gone before is the foundation for planning a well which will meet the subsurface objectives whilst accounting for risk. Merlin are experts at unpacking the real lessons from the noise to deliver this foundational information in a way which promotes reliability in well design and execution in later stages.

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Estudio de Factibilidad

Como ingenieros, frecuentemente se nos imponen límites. Ya sea la ubicación del taladro, el equipo que tenemos disponible o las finanzas (y por lo tanto el presupuesto permitido) del proyecto en el que estamos trabajando. Necesitamos saber cómo el diseño mecánico de nuestro pozo geotérmico impactará en esas limitaciones para emitir un juicio de valor sobre qué se debe hacer después. Un estudio de factibilidad detallado establece cómo debe verse el pozo para permanecer dentro de los límites de su proyecto. Merlin puede ayudarlo a comprender dónde están los elementos críticos para garantizar que su solución permanezca dentro de los límites en todo momento.

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Revisión de Problema

Operational problems are tough going. Large bore, high angle wellbores, small, shallow wellbores with precise directional control requirements, limited resources to achieve the well objectives – all situations which can stress teams and create opportunities for failures to creep in. Merlin has been involved in problem reviews since the inception of our business. We know it take sensitivity and a focus on facts to get to the bottom of what went wrong and what’s gone on in a way which brings the best out of the team. Our focus is on supporting the team to integrate the lessons learned from the problem event into the next activity.

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Diseño de Pozo Detallado

We are drilling engineers. Regardless of the downhole conditions, we can help you create well designs which meet the subsurface objectives, regardless of the fluid being produced. Optimized well designs come from a detailed understanding the subsurface environment and the constraints likely to be imposed by the available solutions. Our drilling engineers can help you define hole sizes, wellhead types, casing points, drilling fluids, drilling tools and so on – all of the individual elements which come together when the rig is on location to create the final end result. Merlin’s engineering focus is on designing out risk where we can and mitigating through procedure were necessary.

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AV Calculator
Annular Velocity (AV) is one of the “Three Pillars” of effective hole cleaning in high-angle wellbores, with the other two being pipe rotation and the low-end rheology of the drilling fluid.
Stuck Pipe Tool
Description about stuck pipe tool goes here.

More Geothermal Services


Las personas mejor capacitadas toman mejores decisiones. Realmente es así de simple. Si el plan es sacar al equipo de su zona de confort, el tiempo de entrenamiento para aprender los fundamentos y hablar sobre los factores críticos de éxito mejorará la confiabilidad de la ejecución del pozo.


La ejecución es un momento decisivo. El esfuerzo y la energía durante la planeación debe ser dirigido y aprovechado para asegurar el éxito operativo. Merlin puede apoyar sus operaciones de campo con personal que tiene la experiencia, el conocimiento y la energía para impulsar el éxito dentro de su equipo de trabajo.


We developed TDH to leverage our industry-leading process knowledge honed on the worlds most complex wells. What was available commercially didn’t cut it for us, in the way we need to use data when on location or in the office.