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Running the drilling function is like playing chess against multiple opponents at the same time. Competing interests to manage and deadlines to navigate tied in with the need to execute complex and expensive activities in a challenging environmental and regulatory environment creates headaches for even the most well organised and technically proficient professionals. Like a game of chess, you don’t want to find yourself stuck in a “Zugzwang” situation – where all your next moves come with a downside you’d rather not deal with.  The solution usually comes down to teamwork – having a network of competent and trusted peers, partners and providers all pushing in the same direction is a critical component of reliable project delivery, which everyone involved strives for.

Merlin’s tried and trusted methodology can take some of the headaches away. Our competence allows your engineers to tackle ambitious projects with assurance, ensures that operations teams are ready to handle the risks and opportunities which inevitably occur when the rig is on location, and to provide an extra layer of support when the bit is on bottom and drilling. Avoiding unexpected events is the key, and we are adept at integrating data from various sources to ensure that sections are drilled to TD, BHA’s are tripped, and casing is run according to the program.

¿Por qué elegir a Merlin para el soporte de operaciones?

Porque podemos...

  • • Aportar una gran competencia técnica y experiencia práctica en operaciones de perforación para abordar de manera efectiva los desafíos operativos. 
  • • Elevar el rendimiento del equipo, la eficiencia operativa y el éxito general del proyecto, contribuyendo significativamente a sus resultados. 
  • • Responder rápidamente a desafíos imprevistos, minimizando así el tiempo de inactividad y garantizando operaciones de perforación ininterrumpidas. 
  • • Proporcionar análisis detallados y evaluaciones de rendimiento para su proyecto de perforación, lo que le permite identificar y abordar problemas de manera proactiva. 

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